Easy to Make Cold Brew Coffee
Okay…I have to confess. Although I am a lover of many things, there simply are not a lot of things that I love more than iced coffee. I love it black and I love it with heavy whipping cream. I love it with pumpkin spice, and I love it with peppermint and mocha. Salted caramel is an almost daily thing for me. I start with a glass at breakfast time and if I am feeling ambitious, I will follow up around midday with a bonus cup. My daily Starbucks addiction started to become a little out of budget so I had to explore other options. That is why I started using this easy to make method for brewing my coffee at home. It is so incredibly delicious and I know you will love it too.

Hello I am Brianna, and I am a coffee addict.
No seriously.. If there were a 12 step program for this, I would probably need to join. To me coffee is more than just a beverage. It is an experience. Feeling sad? Have a cup. Feeling tired? Have a cup. Going shopping? Hanging out with your girlfriends? Business meeting? Have a cup! There are not many things in life that coffee does not make more enjoyable. It is not saying that a world without coffee cannot be lived well..it is just not the kind of life that I am trying to create.
Building Our Manor for instance requires coffee. All of the planning, DIYing, cleaning up after the DIYing, and aftermath of it all can drain a certain amount of mental and physical energy. A cup of coffee is the tonic that renews my mind and body to help me continue to move forward with our plans. It is literally the fuel for my dreams.

Coffee can also have several benefits:
We just have to remember (myself included) to enjoy this beverage in moderation and to note that some of these benefits will be voided if we are constantly dumping sugary syrups in our cups….I am most definitely not saying to never do this- I mean coffee is meant to be enjoyed and you have to live your life- but maybe on the daily, go for healthier alternatives. There are many delicious ones out there and I will be posting more recipes for those very soon!
What is Cold Brew Coffee?
Cold brew coffee is a coffee concentrate that is easy to make by steeping coarsely ground coffee in cold or room temperature water for an extended period of time. I usually do between 12 to 24 hours. The longer you steep it, the bolder it will be. The coffee is then diluted with water or milk to taste. It can be served chilled over ice, blended with ice and other ingredients, or sometimes served hot.
Cold brew is known for its smooth, sweet taste, lower acidity, and bolder flavor than iced coffee. It’s also richer and has a velvety consistency.
I am sensitive to caffeine, can you cold brew decaf?
YES! If you are very sensitive to the effects of caffeine, you can absolutely cold brew decaf coffee. In fact, I have done it several times! You will prepare it the same way as using fully caffeinated beans.
Do I need a cold brewing machine to cold brew coffee at home?
No. The good news is that cold brew is easy to make and you can cold brew coffee at home with items you probably already have in your kitchen! No need to spend a lot of money on new equipment. All you will need to brew cold brew yourself it a large jar, a tea towel, and a large bowl. This was the way that I made my cold brew for years and it always turned out delicious, however it was not the most convenient way and it tends to be a bit messy. Now I recommend using a cold brew jug that you can get on Amazon for about $20. Trust me, you will thank me later! Here is the one that I use. I will explain both methods.
How to Make Your Own Cold Brew Coffee
First, choose your favorite coffee. You can freshly grind the beans or get a bag of already ground coffee. I love Death Wish coffee. It is absolutely delicious!

Next, pour 1 cup of coffee grounds into the metal strainer of the coffee jug or into your glass jar.

Then add water. If using the coffee jug, fill to the max fill line. If using my original method, add 5 or 6 cups of water directly into the jar with the grounds (the amount is dependent on if you like a really strong brew or not.)

Place the lid on and let steep for 12 to 24 hours. The longer you brew, the stronger your coffee will be.

It’s all done!! Well look at that…if this coffee was a soap opera, it would be the Bold and the Beautiful!
Now it is time to strain the coffee to prepare it for drinking. If you have the $20 coffee jug from Amazon, this part is very easy. Simply lift up on the strainer, allow it to drain the remaining coffee into the jug, and replace the lid. Shake and enjoy!!
If you are using the original method, simply line a large bowl (mixing bowl) with a tea towel. Pour the contents of the jar into the bowl. Grab the edges of the towel and make them meet. Grab the bottom where the coffee grounds settle and twist until all of the liquid comes out and into the bowl. You should be left with a ball of mushy coffee grounds inside of the tea towel. You can also get a fine metal strainer for this step if you prefer. Set aside the grounds but do not discard! Those are absolute gold when it comes to your garden…I will touch more on that later! Rinse your glass jar and pour in the contents of the bowl. Place the lid back on, shake or stir, and enjoy!
With the original method, you will probably stain your tea towels so DO NOT USE your favorite towels for this process. I always kept about 3 plain ones that I designated my “coffee towels.”

Enjoy black or add in your favorite creamers to customize the taste to match your vibes for the day!
I hope you will love making your own cold brew coffee at home with this easy to make method . It is a convenient and economical way to support your coffee endeavors. It’s like having your own coffee shop right in your home…now wouldn’t that be AMAZING?!

How To Make Your Own Cold Brew Coffee
- 1 Cold Brew Jug I bought mine on Amazon for $20
- 1 Glass Jar (If using the traditional method)
- 1 Large Mixing Bowl (original method)
- 1 Tea Towel (original method)
- 1 Cup Ground Coffee of choice Can also use decaf coffee
- 6 Cups Water
- First, measure 1 cup of ground coffee (you may grind the beans yourself or use pre-ground coffee) and add it to the metal strainer of your coffee jug. If using the Original method, pour grounds directly into your glass jar.
- Next, add your water. Fill to the max fill line in the coffee jug. If using the original method, add 5 or 6 cups of water (depending on how strong you want your coffee to be) directly to the jar with the coffee grounds.
- Put the lid on and place in your fridge for 12-24 hours. Choose the longer time if you like a bolder taste.
- Now that the coffee has slow brewed for several hours, it is time to separate the grounds from the coffee. If you are using the coffee jug, simply remove the strainer from the jug, replace the lid and shake. Enjoy!If you are using the original method, line a mixing bowl with a tea towel and pour the contents of the jar into the bowl. Grab the corners of the towel and make them meet. Lift the towel from the bowl and grab the bottom with your hand. Twist until all of the liquid is squeezed back into the bowl. Set aside your coffee grounds.Pour the bowl contents into the jar, place on the lid, and shake. Enjoy!